Introduction to Interpreting in Medical Settings

As an interpreter, communication may be among medical colleagues, between Deaf professionals and hearing clients, or between Deaf clients and hearing providers. Your judgment and analysis of the situation is critical for success.

When you understand medical terms and medical culture, you can better interpret in the challenging health care setting! During this workshop, you will get ideas and practical classifiers you can use when interpreting, but this two-day workshop does not teach specific “medical signs.” Since each client has a different language register, we give you critical tools to interpret effectively!

Topics include: Anatomy, specialized terminology, health care provider specialties and definitions, tests and procedures, medical equipment, common medications, common diseases, HIPAA, confidentiality and medical ethics.

Lectures, role-play, and ‘pop’ quizzes provide an interactive, comfortable and fun learning experience!

All questions will be answered! All discussions held during the workshop are confidential.

Prior to the workshop, please send at least two interesting, challenging, or ethical medical interpreting situations. Participants may also send in health care terms, difficult provider jargon, and procedures to discuss.

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