Deaf & Hard of Hearing Community Workshops! offers a variety of health education programs. Health related and self advocacy workshops can be customized for your organization, agency, or group.

Our presenters are available as role models, mentors, and speakers.

Deaf & Health Care Careers: Yes You Can!
You, Your Health Care Provider, & Interpreter—A Healthy Partnership!
Alternative or Complementary Medicine
What Does This Mean for Me
Breast & Prostate Health
Type I, Type II, & Gestational Diabetes: What You Need to Know!
How to Take Care of Your Diabetes
Heart Disease
Heart Attack…Brain Attack (Stroke)!
High Blood Pressure
What is Cholesterol?
Nutrition & Your Weight!
Spring Into Health!
Oh, My Aching Head! (Headaches)
Infectious & Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
HIV & AIDS…Living Healthy Lives
HIV & AIDS…Terms and Treatment!
Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Mental Health/Addiction
Alcohol, Marijuana and Others…Your Life!
Depression & Anxiety
Smoking & Your Health!
Stress Management
Wellness (General)
Pregnancy: What to Expect?
Your Newborn…Congratulations!
Love Your Heart!
Wellness & Preventive Health:
Women, Men, & Children!
Your Amazing Body
How it Works! Physiology
Where is Everything? Anatomy

We provide health information in a barrier-free environment. We give you information, ideas, and useful tips so you can be involved with your health care! Have better relationships with your health care providers!
We look forward to hearing from you!